I'm receiving some data that is a little endian byte array that represents a uint16 but I want to store this in an int
. I have wrapped this data into a ByteBuffer
so I can call ByteBuffer.get()
to get the next byte(s), but I am not sure how to convert these 2 bytes from uint16 to int
byte[] data = //From UDP socket
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
bb = bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
int n = //What goes here?
Thanks for any help :)
The main complexity is in my opinion how to represent a uint16 in Java. I'd suggest to use Java int or Java long, because the least 16 bits have the same meaning as in uint16 (but not Java short: it has 16 bits, but is signed).
1) If you receive uint16 only, no chars, no other types, then the easiest would be following. Read 16 bits into a Java short, then convert it to int:
byte[] data = //From UDP socket
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
bb = bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
short s = bb.getShort();
int n = 0xFFFF & s;
2) If you receive not only uint16, but some other types like chars, then you can construct the value from 2 bytes:
byte[] data = //From UDP socket
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
while(bb.hasRemaining()) {
if (consider next bytes as uint16) {
byte b1 = bb.get();
byte b2 = bb.get();
int i1 = 0xFF & b1; // Consider b1 as int, not the same as "(int) b1"
int i2 = 0xFF & b2; // Consider b2 as int, not the same as "(int) b2"
int n = b2 * 256 + b1;
} else {
// Read next bytes as char or something other