I am trying to add a current time / total time element. Something that would look like 01:11/03:00. So far I have the progress bar and play pause button. These are my variables:
var music = document.getElementById('audioPlayer'); // id for audio element
var duration; // Duration of audio clip
var pButton = document.getElementById('pButton'); // play button
var playhead = document.getElementById('playhead'); // playhead
var timeline = document.getElementById('timeline'); // timeline
// timeline width adjusted for playhead
var timelineWidth = timeline.offsetWidth - playhead.offsetWidth;
This is my audio player elements:
<audio id="audioPlayer" preload="true" ontimeupdate="initProgressBar()">
<source src="oh-my.mp3">
<div id="wrapper">
<!--Audio Player Interface-->
<div id="audioplayer">
<button id="pButton" class="play"></button>
<div id="timeline">
<div class="progress" id="progress"></div>
<div id="playhead"></div>
Link to my fiddle.
In your fiddle, I have added:
<span id="tracktime">0:00 / 0:00</span>
in the <div id="audioplayer">
element (interface).
I have also replaced the ontimeupdate
function of the <audio>
element with:
where the function updateTracktime()
is defined like below:
function updateTracktime(){
let audioPlayer = document.getElementById("audioPlayer");
var counter = Math.round(Math.floor(audioPlayer.currentTime)/60)+":"+Math.floor(audioPlayer.currentTime-Math.round(Math.floor(audioPlayer.currentTime)/60))+"/"+Math.round(Math.floor(audioPlayer.duration)/60)+":"+Math.floor(audioPlayer.duration-Math.round(Math.floor(audioPlayer.duration)/60));
document.getElementById('tracktime').innerHTML = counter;
And it seems to display something like you want? I've just used the answer in the post I've suggested but you can use your variables and your elements instead?