i have got a lot of way to beautify javascript code. but all of those way of conversions are based on without mapping variable. let see with example of minified js:
!function(a){var b=[],c={init:function(){a(document).ready(c.ready);a(window).on("load",c.load)},ready:function(){},load:function(){setTimeout(function(){console.log(this)},1000)},};c.init()}(jQuery)
now i am looking for a automated tools/system to convert the minified js code to a beautified code where i can map all minified variables (a,b,c ..) to meaningful variables like ($,var1,var2 ...) where i can able to assign mapping of variable like a=$, b=var1, c=var3 and so on. So that i can get a beautified code like
! function($) {
var var1 = [];
var var2 = {
init: function() {
$(window).on("load", var2.load);
ready: function() {
load: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000)
What are the best tools to perform such conversion?
here is the list of online tools that will help you to beautify javascript code. but you will not get the feature to map variables - https://www.cleancss.com/javascript-beautify/ - https://codebeautify.org/jsviewer - https://www.freeformatter.com/javascript-beautifier.html - https://beautifier.io/ - https://www.prettifyjs.net/ - https://jstherightway.org/ - https://prettier.io/playground/ - https://html-cleaner.com/js/