Search code examples

cannot implicitly convert System.LINQ an explicit conversion exists are you missing a cast

I am currently trying to implement TypeAhead plugin with an API search query. The below code is a snippit I recieved from a udemy class Mosh ( Upon implementing the below code I am receiving the error of

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.Iqueryable' to System.Data.Entity.DbSet'. An Explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast)?

This happens on this line of code

vmrsQuery = vmrsQuery.Where(c => c.Description.Contains(query));

Does anyone else have a workaround to get this to function correctly?

public IHttpActionResult GetVMRS(string query = null)

        var vmrsQuery = _context.VMRS;

        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
            vmrsQuery = vmrsQuery.ToList().Where(c => c.Description.Contains(query));

        var vmrsDtos = vmrsQuery
            .Select(Mapper.Map<VMRS, VMRSDto>);

        return Ok(vmrsDtos);


  • You shouldn't call ToList() on your context directly. This will pull every row from the database into memory before executing the where clause.

    vmrsQuery = vmrsQuery.ToList().Where(c => c.Description.Contains(query));

    should be

    vmrsQuery = vmrsQuery.Where(c => c.Description.Contains(query));

    Also, you probably need to explicitly define your variable.

    var vmrsQuery = _context.VMRS;

    should be

    IQueryable<VMRS> vmrsQuery = _context.VMRS;

    This is because the context could be a DbSet if using Entity Framework.

    You could also just put _context.VMRS.AsQueryable()