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How do I output floating point starting with zero after division?

Currently the way I do it is as follows

mov bx,divisor
div bx
mov quotient,ax
mov ax,dx
mul hundred ;--r * 100 to show 2 floating point, r * 1000 to show 3...
div bx
mov float,ax
mov floatr,dx

And then afterwards I might increment float depending on the value of floatr. Then, I will output quotient, '.', float. This works for most numbers or rather numbers with floats that start with non-zero numbers. For example, 1/100 = 0.01, however , my program will output 0.1, it doesn't output the extra zero.


  • The principle is the same as in my answer here. And here is my implementation for 16-bit MASM:

    .MODEL small, C
    .STACK 100h
    main PROC
        mov ax, 1                   ; Dividend
        mov bx, 100                 ; Divisor
        xor dx, dx                  ; Clear high 16 bit of dividend
        div bx                      ; Result: AX, remainder in DX
        call WriteDec
        mov al, '.'                 ; Decimal point
        call WriteChar
        mov cx, 10                  ; Maximal 10 digits
        imul ax, dx, 10             ; AX = DX * 10 i.e. New dividend = Old remainder * 10
        xor dx, dx                  ; Clear the high part of dividend
        div bx                      ; AX rem. DX = DX:AX / BX
        call WriteDec
        dec cx
        jz SHORT E
        test dx, dx                 ; Is there a remainder?
        jnz L1                      ; Yes - once more
        mov ax, 4C00h
        int 21h
    main ENDP
        LOCAL decimal[6]:byte
        mov dx, ss
        mov ds, dx
        lea di, decimal             ; LOCAL target string decimal
        mov bx, 10                  ; divisor
        xor cx, cx                  ; CX=0 (number of digits)
            xor dx, dx              ; Attention: DIV applies also DX!
            div bx                  ; DX:AX / BX = AX remainder: DX
            push dx                 ; LIFO
            inc cl                  ; increment number of digits
            test  ax, ax            ; AX = 0?
            jnz First_Loop          ; no: once more
            pop ax                  ; get back pushed digit
            or al, 00110000b        ; AL to ASCII
            mov byte ptr [di], al   ; save AL
            inc di                  ; DI points to next character in string DECIMAL
            loop Second_Loop        ; until there are no digits left
            mov byte ptr [di], '$'  ; End-of-string delimiter for INT 21 / FN 09h
        lea dx, decimal
        mov ah, 09h
        int 21h
    WriteDec ENDP
    WriteChar PROC USES AX DX
        mov dl, al
        mov ah, 02h
        int 21h
    WriteChar ENDP
    END main

    BTW: Happy New Year