I want to be able for jackson to parse case insensitive enums. For e.g
public enum OperType {
i want to accept both "SUM" and "sum" in the POST request.
I am getting hold of objectMapper in Application::run and enabling the setting:
But this is having no effect!
Jersey doesn't use objectMapper from Dropwizard bootstrap despite what Dropwizard's official documentation might lead one to believe. Needed to register custom ContextResolver in the Application::run to make it work:
environment.jersey().register(new ObjectMapperContextResolver(injector.getInstance(ObjectMapper.class)));
public class ObjectMapperContextResolver implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> {
private final ObjectMapper mapper;
public ObjectMapperContextResolver(ObjectMapper mapper) {
this.mapper = mapper;
public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> type) {
return mapper;
Man these documentations around the dropwizard ecosystem can be really confusing for someone who isn't as well versed yet!