I Have 1 Datatable having 10 rows and ListBox having 8 ListItems contains 6 records from the DataTable and 2 new records.
I want to update the DataTable in such a way that 6 records should be as it is and remove remaining 4 records from DataTable and add 2 newly added entries from ListBox in DataTable.
What I tried is I looped ListBox record from DataTable and created list of matched records.
string impactedTC;
List<int> index = new List<int>();
// This retruns my dataset having 10 records
DataTable dttable = GetImpactedTestCaseDetailsToUpdateStatus().Tables[0];
for (int i = 0; i < ListBox1.Items.Count; i++)
int count = 0;
string dTestCase = ListBox1.Items[i].Text;
foreach (DataRow dtRow in dttable.Rows)
impactedTC = dtRow["TestCaseName"].ToString();
if (impactedTC == dTestCase)
You can do that using Ling:
To keep the 6 rows and remove the remaining 4 from the DataTable
//Assuming the names are DataTable1 and ListBox1.
var rowsToRemove = from r in DataTable1.Rows.Cast<DataRow>()
where listBox1.Items
.Aggregate(0, (n, li) => li.Text.ToLower() == r.Field<string>("TestCaseName").ToLower() ? n + 1 : n) == 0
select r;
To get the new items from the ListBox:
var newItems = from li in listBox1.Items.Cast<ListItem>()
where DataTable1.Rows
.Aggregate(0, (n, r) => r.Field<string>("TestCaseName").ToLower() == li.Text.ToLower() ? n + 1 : n) == 0
select li;
and finally update the DataTable:
rowsToRemove.ToList().ForEach(r => DataTable1.Rows.Remove(r));
newItems.ToList().ForEach(li => DataTable1.Rows.Add(li.Text)); //or maybe li.Value
You might need to replace any
in the preceding code and that depends on how the ListItem objects are created. Please check this for more details.