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Unable to transform with scale 100%: Error 8007

My question is two fold: Firstly, is this a bug in Photoshop? If you scale a layer and supply values of 100% like so

var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
var numOfLayers = srcDoc.layers.length;

// main loop
for (var i = numOfLayers -1; i >= 0  ; i--)
  var thisLayer = srcDoc.layers[i];

   //select that layer as you go along
   srcDoc.activeLayer = srcDoc.artLayers[i];

It shows the error: Error 8007: user cancelled the operation

photoshop user cancelled operation error

Scale values of 100.000001, however are fine.

The second, more important part, even with displayDialogs switched off

 displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; // OFF

the user is forced to commit transform with enter or the tick button. Is there a way to suppress this?


  • Too much for a comment so I'll add this as an answer. User cancelled the operation error can be helpful sometimes: for example, when you want to show UI and you don't know if user hit OK, Cancel or there was an error. And personally I think that setting a global displayDialogs is too much in this case: if something goes wrong a user will stuck with the option you set, not the one they had. In this you can check for error number:

      //some code
    catch (e)
      if (e.number == 8007)
        // do something or ignore
        // an actual error