I'm trying to write a test to verify the start date and interval of an Authorize.net ARB subscription created via Rails + Active Merchant.
I can successfully create the sub using response = GATEWAY.recurring(...)
and a I get a success code.
After the subscription is created, however, as far as I can see from the Active Merchant documentation I can't really request any info, like the start date for instance.
The only methods available for ARB are:
Am I missing something obvious?
The ARB API offers very limited reporting functionality. In fact all you can get through that API is the status of a subscription (ARBGetSubscriptionStatusRequest). The only other options available to you are to create (ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest), update (ARBUpdateSubscriptionRequest), and delete (ARBCancelSubscriptionRequest). This is not a RoR limitation. This is an API limitation. You can confirm this in the ARB Guide.
So, any information you want to keep track of related to a subscription (start date, end date, amount, etc) will need to be recorded by you in your database.
Authorize.Net does have a new Transaction Detail API which they are consistently enhancing. But as of right now it does not report the kind of information you are looking for.