I'm currently working on testing my react component where I use react-automata. When I run the test it keeps breaking. The goal is to test my Lights component. I'm using the test function from react-automata called "testStateMachine" because I use a statemachine to run the steps of light switching on a button click.
Here is my code example: https://codesandbox.io/s/statemachine-test-sj3w7
This is the test that fails, with error "Cannot read property 'states' of undefined".
import {testStateMachine} from 'react-automata';
import {Lights, lightMachine } from '../Components/Lights';
test('lights with imported components',()=>{
testStateMachine({ lightMachine}, Lights);
Best regards Kristine
I got a working test by changing the spec Lights.test.js from this:
import {testStateMachine} from 'react-automata';
import {Lights, lightMachine } from '../Components/Lights';
test('lights with imported components',()=>{
testStateMachine({ lightMachine}, Lights);
to this:
import { testStateMachine, withStateMachine } from 'react-automata';
import { Lights } from '../Components/Lights';
import { lightMachine } from "../Xstate/Lightmachine";
test('lights with imported components', () => {
const fixtures = {
initialData: {
states: {
'greenText': 'green light',
'yellowText':'yellow light',
'redText':'red light'
const StateMachine = withStateMachine(lightMachine)(Lights)
testStateMachine(StateMachine, { fixtures });
From the example spec react-automata/test/testStateMachine.spec.js you need to build the StateMachine
Then, since App
supplies props to Lights
, use fixtures.initialData to do the same in the test.
The test did not work in CodeSandbox, likely because I did not fork it - but it worked ok on my local machine.
Further note
The library seems to be fussy about the version of Jest. I had to down-grade from 24.9.0 you have in the sandbox to 24.7.1. Not sure why.