I'm trying to run this open-source project, rokuality-server (full codebase here: https://github.com/rokuality/rokuality-server).
But in this method below I'm getting a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
when trying to instantiate any Sikuli classes like Pattern
or Finder
import org.sikuli.script.Finder;
import org.sikuli.script.Image;
import org.sikuli.script.Match;
import org.sikuli.script.Pattern;
public class ImageUtils {
private static JSONObject getElement(String sessionID, String locator, File screenImage) {
JSONObject element = new JSONObject();
element.put(SessionConstants.ELEMENT_ID, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
boolean isFile = locator != null && new File(locator).exists();
boolean elementFound = false;
if (!screenImage.exists()) {
return null;
if (isFile) {
Finder finder = null;
float similarity = Float.valueOf(
Pattern pattern = null;
try {
pattern = new Pattern(locator).similar(similarity);
finder = new Finder(screenImage.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (Exception e) {
// more code here
My suspicion is that something in the pom.xml
file is wrong, so here's the Sikuli X Api dependency as it appears there:
I tried changing the version to the latest one, 2.0.0
but it caused some errors in the project, which I think are related to changes in the org.sikuli.script.Image
class's methods. Do I maybe need an earlier version?
This should be fixed in the newer releases of the rokuality project: https://github.com/rokuality/rokuality-server/releases. It depended on the java jdk version the user was running.