I am using a React library called Rellax for a parallax effect on my site. It works nicely when I scroll towards that section of the page. But, when I click on the navbar and navigate to a particular #section, this very parallax image is floating in a completely different distance to where it was supposed to be placed.
I have a feeling this is related to how the positioning of the element is calculated, since my page structure has no single main body but a group of react components.
The same issue occurred with other parallax libraries.
Right now I am referring to the parallax component this way: (Code is abbreviated and only shows sections where I refer to the effect)
export default function Advantages() {
useEffect(() => {
// init parallax
new Rellax('#parallaxImage', {
center: true,
return (
src={ traktor }
alt="tractor parallax" />
Shouldn't you only be calling this once (by adding square brackets)?
useEffect(() => {
// init parallax
new Rellax('#parallaxImage', {
center: true,
}, []); // <-- Empty array