I have a game app, once my user gets to level 25- I want to download new pics (wallpapers&characters) that weren't included in the installation, I can do it with assetBundle . But I want to download the assetBundle only once and save it (permanently) on the device. My code so far-
AssetBundle myLoadedAssetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(@"C:\ab\level25"); *path will be a server
Sprite newSprite = myLoadedAssetBundle.LoadAsset<Sprite>("Assets/pic1.jpg");
I read a bit about LoadFromCacheOrDownload
but it seems to be obsolete, also not sure if it removes the assetbundle object after a restart.
I basically want to save "myLoadedAssetBundle" object on my device, and extract from it my pics when I need, this way my user won't have to connect to the internet and redownload the files again
You can store the asset bundle itself in the PersistentDataPath, or open it and store the extracted content in managed folders.
To store content:
File.WriteAllBytes(Application.persistentDataPath + "/some/file");
To read assets:
var data = File.ReadAllBytes(Application.persistentDataPath + "/some/file");
To read stored assetBundle:
AssetBundle bundleLoadRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Application.persistentDataPath + "/some/bundle");