I'm building a .net core 3.1 web application and I'm experimenting with the builtin dependency injection.
I would like to inject a different service based on the runtime environment in which the application is running, I thought that I could use an attribute to define if the service is suitable for the environment, for example:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IOperation, OperationDevelopment>();
services.AddTransient<IOperation, OperationStaging>();
services.AddTransient<IOperation, OperationProduction>();
public interface IOperation
Guid OperationId { get; }
public class OperationDevelopment : IOperation
public class OperationStaging : IOperation
public class OperationProduction : IOperation
What should I do, skip the registration? Register all and then resolve the suitable service? Something that I missed?
If the .net core DI is too basic, what should I use?
You could do something like this:
interface IOperationAttribute
public class OperationDevelopment : IOperation
public Guid OperationId { get; }
public class DevelopmentAttribute : Attribute, IOperationAttribute
Add a new extension for IServiceCollection
public static class AppServiceExtension
public static IServiceCollection AppOperationServices(this IServiceCollection services)
var typesWithOperationAttribute =
from a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
from t in a.GetTypes()
let attributes = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IOperationAttribute), true)
where attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0
select new { Type = t };
foreach (var item in typesWithOperationAttribute)
return services;
And in ConfigureServices just call