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How to set http status code in GraphQL

I want to set an http status code in my GraphQL authentication query, depending on if auth attempt was successful (200), unauthorised (401) or missing parameters (422).

I am using Koa and Apollo and have configured my server like so:

const graphqlKoaMiddleware = graphqlKoa(ctx => {
  return ({
    formatError: (err) => ({ message: err.message, status: err.status }),
    context: {
      stationConnector: new StationConnector(),
      passengerTypeConnector: new PassengerTypeConnector(),
      authConnector: new AuthConnector(),
      cookies: ctx.cookies
})"/graphql", graphqlKoaMiddleware)

As you can see, I have set my formatError to return a message and status but currently only the message is getting returned. The error message comes from the error that I throw in my resolver function.

For example:

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    me: async (obj, {username, password}, ctx) => {
      try {
        return await ctx.authConnector.getUser(ctx.cookies)  
        throw new Error(`Could not get user: ${err}`);

My only issue with this method is it is setting the status code in the error message and not actually updating the response object.

Does GraphQL require a 200 response even for failed queries / mutations or can I some how update the response objects status code? If not, How do I set the aforementioned error object status code?


  • For apollo-server, install the apollo-server-errors package. For authentication errors,

    import { AuthenticationError } from "apollo-server-errors";

    Then, in your resolver throw new AuthenticationError('unknown user');

    This will return a 400 status code.

    Read more about this topic in this blog