I've a usecase where I need to export user data into excel file. User model(mongo db model) consists a field of type array
. While exporting, every field is stored into excel file except, that array field data. How to store that array data into excel file as comma separated values?
Here's my code:
var XLSX = require('xlsx');
exportCustomerDataToExcel: async function(customerId){
let err,customerData;
[err, customerData]=await to(Customer.find({"_id":customerId},'name email phone unit block communityAccountNo status').lean().exec());
//*name email phone unit block communityAccountNo status* are fields of customer & unit is an array
if(err) {TE(err, true)};
if(!customerData || customerData.length==0) return false;
customerData.map(function(elem) {
if (elem._id) delete elem._id
var newWB=XLSX.utils.book_new();
var newWS=XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(customerData);
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(newWB, newWS,"Customers");
[err,excelWB]=await to(this.writeFileQ(newWB, "./public/exports/"+customerId+".xlsx"));
if(err) TE(err, true);
return ({file:customerId+".xlsx"});
writeFileQ: function(workbook, filename) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
XLSX.writeFileAsync(filename, workbook, (error, result) => {
(error)? reject(error) : resolve(result);
Sample code is:
"name" : "Some Name",
"email" : "SomeName@gmail.com",
"phone" : "94XXXXXXXX",
"communityAccountNo" : "ABCD1234",
"status" : true,
"block" : "1",
"unit" : [
Here is the excel I got:
I want to store the unit elements as, 9-2,9-3 under the unit tab. Is it possible to do so?
You should reformat the array in a string before creating the excel file to make it works the way you want. You can achieve this by using the Array join
method, and use ,
as parameter. Something like this:
customerData.unit = customerData.unit.join(',');
Or even customerData.unit = customerData.unit.join();
since ,
is the default parameter.
And then create your excel sheet.