I have an audio file in my markup:
<audio class="audio-player">
<source src="audio/scene_1.wav" type="audio/wav" />
I am also using JS to create my own audio player with a display of the current time and duration:
let audio = $('.audio-player')[0]
audio.ontimeupdate = () => {
0:0${Math.floor(audio.currentTime)} / 0:${Math.floor(audio.duration)}
When the user interacts with certain elements of the page I will update the audio src:
$('.audio-player').attr('src', `audio/scene_${g.currentScene.next}.wav`)
Interestingly it will go into the ontimeupdate event even though the audio was paused before. I'm wondering why this is happening? When I change the src
of an audio, why is it triggering the ontimeupdate
I am mixing Vanilla JS and jQuery here but that should not make any difference at all.
I would guess that changing the .src
attribute triggers the media element load algorithm.
Part of this alogrithm (the resource selection algorithm) requires to change the playback position:
- Set the current playback position and the official playback position to the earliest possible position.
This change will trigger an timeupdate event:
When the earliest possible position changes, then: if the current playback position is before the earliest possible position, the user agent must seek to the earliest possible position; otherwise, if the user agent has not fired a timeupdate event at the element in the past 15 to 250ms and is not still running event handlers for such an event, then the user agent must queue a task to fire an event named timeupdate at the element.