I am trying to add Google autocomplete places inside modal popup, but the issue I am facing is that it appends to body instead of modal, is there any way we can append it inside modal?
Codepen Example
Reason: when modal opens, it scrolls set to hidden same as Bootstrap modal, and when "Auto Complete" is append to body it changes it's position while scrolling
kindly see below:
Is there a way to fix this problem, any help will be appreciated.
The google autocomplete gets appended to the HTML Body tag and from there it traces the position of the specified input serach box.
You can add a scroll event listener on the #myModal element and then trace the position of the input #pac-input.
Add the following code after the initAutocomplete function.
const modal = document.getElementById("myModal");
modal.onscroll = function(e) {
const pacContainer = document.querySelector(".pac-container.pac-logo");
let top = window.scrollY + document.getElementById("pac-input").getBoundingClientRect().top;
pacContainer.style.top = `${top + 25}px`;
here on scroll of the #myModal HTML element, its calulating the top position of #pac-input and adding 25px (Assumed height of input) to the google autocomplete div.