I am using react-final-form
in React App. It's working great!
But is there any way to prevent the react-final-form
from resetting the input values of the form after user successfully submit the form.
Reason why I need it because, currently when the user is redirected after submitted the form, user see input values being reset to initial form values for 200-400 micro second
between the action of submitting the form and redirecting to other component.
I tried using following but didn't work:
return false;
Following is the function that handles the form submission.
export const useCreateAgent = (
onCompleted: () => void,
) => {
const [createAgent] = useMutation(CREATE_AGENT, {
return useCallback(async (agent: IAgent) => {
try {
await createAgent(createVariables({ ...agent }));
} catch (errors) {
return errors;
}, [createAgent]);
prop fixed that issue.
<Form keepDirtyOnReinitialize >