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C inline functions

As far as i know, inline functions in C work pretty the same way as in C++ when used in single translation unit and there's no need to dive into extern inline difficulties in such a case. However, the following program including three files seems not to compile in C and I am struggling to figure out why.


int f();
inline int g();


#include "f.h"

inline int g() {
    return 5;

int f() {
    return 3 + g();


#include "f.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("%d", f());
    return 0;

The linker

tells that there is an undefined reference to g. However, as g is used only in f.c file, I can not define where the problem lies exactly.


  • From the C Standard (6.7.4 Function specifiers)

    7,,,For a function with external linkage, the following restrictions apply: If a function is declared with an inline function specifier, then it shall also be defined in the same translation unit

    In your project the function g is declared in the translation unit with main.