Here's the standard way to use VueJS on the HTML page (without bundles). No assignment.
new Vue({
el: '#root',
data: {
title: 'Hello'
Why Garbage Collector doesn't collect this Vue object?
When you instantiate a Vue object, it actually mounts itself to the DOM element, here #root
element, as briefly hinted in this documentation page The Vue Instance > Instance Lifecycle Hooks.
By using Developer Tools in your browser, like in Chrome, you can open the console tab and prompt, type console.log(window.$vm0);
and hit enter. And you get access to your Vue runtime instance even it was not assigned to a variable:
> Vue {_uid: 2, _isVue: true, $options: {…}, _renderProxy: Proxy, _self: Vue, …}
I've opened another question on how to properly access the Vue instance if it wasn't assigned to a variable during instantiation.
The main point, as an answer to this current question, is that there is actually variable assignment / DOM mounting happening behind the scenes by Vue itself, so that is why garbage collection is not triggering.
PS. There is a detailed documentation article Avoiding Memory Leaks in relation to handling Garbage Collection in a Vue application.