My setTimeout() function works, but my clearTimeout() is not working. Even though I have an 'if' statement that's supposed to run the clearTimeout function once my variable 'secs' is less than 0, the timer keeps counting down into negative numbers. When I type my variable name, 'secs' into the console, I get undefined, even though it's defined as a parameter in the function called by my setTimeout. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help, please?
My full code is at;
Here's the JavaScript snippet:
function startTimer(secs, elem) {
t = $(elem);
t.innerHTML = "00:" + secs;
if(secs<0) {
//recurring function
countDown = setTimeout('startTimer('+secs+',"'+elem+'")', 1000);
Add a condition to call recursive function like below.
if (secs < 0) {
secs = secsInput;
//recurring function
countDown = setTimeout('startTimer('+secs+',"'+elem+'")', 1000);