Is there any chance to get a file splitted before the unpivoting process is completed? I have tried to do the opposite, that is to split the file and then unpivot it, but it requires too much time due to the fact I have to deal with more than 20 files and I can't be able to write a functioning Macro to do the job. I have to materialise it because I have to load the files into another software that does not have the unpivoting function in it and I can't get direct access to their databases to run any queries.
There is a possible solution using VBA. In this approach you need to:
Below is step by step how to.
For proofing, I created a dummy table of 3 million rows inside Power Query using below code, naming it "MyData".
// MyData: A table of 3 million rows
let RowCount = 3000000
in Table.FirstN(
List.Generate(() => 1, each true, each _ + 1),
List.Generate(() => Number.Random() * 1000, each true, each Number.Random() * 1000)
}, type table [ID = Int64.Type, RandomNumber = number]),
I loaded this table into the Workbook Data Model by selecting Close & Load To, then selecting Only Create Connection and checking Add this data to the Data Model.
Then, using below VBA code, I was able to connect to the Data Model, fetch the records, and dump it to a CSV file.
Const OutFile As String = "C:/path/to/MyData.csv"
Dim Wb As Workbook
Set Wb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
'Connection to the Data Model
Dim Conn As Object 'ADODB.Connection
Set Conn = Wb.Model.DataModelConnection.ModelConnection.ADOConnection
Dim Recordset As Object 'ADODB.Recordset
Set Recordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim Query As String
Query = "EVALUATE MyData" 'DAX query to return the entire table
Recordset.Open Query, Conn
Dim FileNum: FileNum = FreeFile()
Open OutFile For Output As #FileNum
Do While Not Recordset.EOF
Write #FileNum, Recordset("MyData[ID]"), Recordset("MyData[RandomNumber]")
Close #FileNum