When trying to download data from a Tabulator library table in XLSX format with sheetjs the numeric values in my table are recognized as strings within MS Excel.
I have tried all the parameters in the download function but there is no option for this.
table.download("xlsx", "data.xlsx", {sheetName:"MyData"});
Expected result is a MS Excel table with numeric values, however I get it with string values, not recognized as numbers.
It is likely that you are storing your values in the table as strings rather than numbers.
Have you tried using a Download Accessor to convert the string to a number before it is used in the spreadsheet
for example if you had a age column:
//custom accessor
function numberConvert(value, data, type, component){
return Number(value);
//column definition
{title:"Age", field:"ade", accessorDownload:numberConvert}