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Excel Dynamic Array Spill Area - can it go along a row or just down a column?

The point of this exercise is to try to make this analysis quicker/easier to update. I had it pretty dialed in using a data tab and a pivot table, copying and pasting values/formulas as needed to update. I am trying to improve on that by using Excel's new Dynamic Arrays.

My table is setup with four employee detail columns (Location Name, Location Number, Employee Name, Employee Number), and several (many) columns for dates worked. My issue is the dates worked.

I am using UNIQUE and FILTER to get a list of flagged employees - works as I intended/hoped; lookup formulas to find the location name and number data for each employee from the data table - works as I intended/hoped; and I have been copying/pasting the dates from the pivot table column headers into my "counting"/analysis table header.

What I would like to do is use the UNIQUE formula to get the dates worked - BUT, I want the spill area to go along the row so the dates are column headers. Okay, I probably could have made that a shorter ask, but I hope explaining a little of what I'm trying to do helps. I want the dates to automatically update when I paste new payroll/hours worked data into the data table, the same way the employee data updates.


  • The key is to TRANSPOSE the UNIQUE formula, not the data:


    enter image description here