I am looking for a generic way in Javascript of obtaining the client's operating system. Many documented solutions use the user agent and I have come across similar questions/answers on stack overflow which are outdated. A sample function is provided below but I am wondering are there more comprehensive versions which meet the following guidelines:
The example below was put together without too much thought and I am looking for a better version of it
function getOS() {
var osStr;
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf("windows xp") !== -1) {
osStr = "WindowsXP";
} else if (ua.indexOf("windows nt 6.1") !== -1) {
osStr = "Windows7";
} else if (ua.indexOf("windows nt 10.0") !== -1) {
osStr = "Windows10";
} else if (ua.indexOf("iemobile") !== -1 || ua.indexOf("windows phone") !== -1) {
osStr = "WindowsMobile";
} else if (ua.indexOf("windows") !== -1) {
osStr = "Windows";
} else if (ua.indexOf("ipad") !== -1) {
osStr = "ipad";
} else if (ua.indexOf("ipod") !== -1) {
osStr = "iTouch)";
} else if (ua.indexOf("iphone") !== -1) {
osStr = "iPhone)";
} else if (ua.indexOf("cros") !== -1) {
osStr = "ChromeOS";
} else if (ua.indexOf("android") !== -1) {
osStr = "Android";
} else if (ua.indexOf("blackberry") !== -1) {
osStr = "Blackberry";
} else if (ua.indexOf("palm") !== -1) {
osStr = "PalmOS";
} else if (ua.indexOf("kindle") !== -1) {
osStr = "Kindle";
} else if (ua.indexOf("ubuntu") !== -1) {
osStr = "Ubuntu";
} else if (ua.indexOf("linux") !== -1) {
osStr = "Linux";
} else if (ua.indexOf("nix") !== -1) {
osStr = "UNIX";
} else {
osStr = "Unknown";
return osStr;
Was looking to combine the OS with the user agent into a single string and the UAParser library at https://github.com/faisalman/ua-parser-js (found through the answer above) works well for both. The library is currently up to date and looks like it is maintained well. Its minified version is 19KB. Created a function
function getPlatform() {
var uap = UAParser(navigator.userAgent);
var osVersion = uap.os.version;
if (osVersion == null) {
osVersion = "";
var browserVersion = uap.browser.major;
if (browserVersion == null) {
browserVersion = "";
var platform = uap.os.name + osVersion + "_" + uap.browser.name + browserVersion;
platform = platform.replace(/\s/g, '');
return platform;
which when called returns a no whitespace string OS_UA which is forwarded as part of the URL from client to server.