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How to actually get bone and animation data with assimp?

Hello Im trying to import animation and bones data from a FBX file.

I actually tried with several different models in different formats, but no matter what I Do it always says scene->mNumAnimations = 0; scene->mNumBones = 0;

What could be happening?


  • What assimp uses to animate the models is a bone chain based on the meshes. We have a bone hierarchy which stores the affected vertices by the bone animation. The bones itself are descriped by an offset-matrix, which is just the inverse of the global transform for the current mesh in respect to the root-node of your animation hierarchy. This comes from the X-Fileformat and I want to add a better way to descripe bone-animations.

    The pretransform-bone-post-processor will perform the transformation after the import directly. So your bones will be gone.