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jsc_value_object_invoke_method() with JSCValue* object not working

I am trying to call some jQuery functions from C++ code. What I did was copy the entire jQuery library as a string and used jsc_context_evaluate() to get access to all the jQuery methods.

Here is an unspecific stripped-down version with a string, it works fine:

JSCValue* jsVar = jsc_context_evaluate(jsCtx, "$('some-div')");
jsc_value_object_invoke_method(jsVar, "html", G_TYPE_STRING, "foo", G_TYPE_NONE);

This changes the contents of 'some-div' to just "foo". (I know 'some-div' should really have a '.' or '#' but it is just for representation)

When I try to use an object, the function doesn't work.

JSCValue* jsVar = jsc_context_evaluate(jsCtx, "$('some-div')");
JSCValue* jsDiv = jsc_context_evaluate(jsCtx, "$('some-other-div')");
jsc_value_object_invoke_method(jsVar, "html", G_TYPE_OBJECT, jsDiv, G_TYPE_NONE);

Instead of 'some-div' getting the content of 'some-other-div', nothing happens. When I print the return value of ...invoke_method() as a string with jsc_value_to_string() I get undefined. I tried it with other jQuery methods like add but it's the same result, the function returns undefined and nothing changes.


  • The first thing I would do is to check whether the function calls are not emitting an exception. Apparently jsc_context_evaluate is working, so I just check the last function call:

    JSCValue* jsVar = jsc_context_evaluate(jsCtx, "$('some-div')");
    JSCValue* jsDiv = jsc_context_evaluate(jsCtx, "$('some-other-div')");
    jsc_value_object_invoke_method(jsVar, "html", G_TYPE_OBJECT, jsDiv, G_TYPE_NONE);
    JSCException* exception = jsc_context_get_exception(jsCtx);
    if (exception != NULL) {
      g_print("%s: %s\n", jsc_exception_get_name(exception),

    That may give you a hint of what's going on.

    My suspicion is that the problem is that you're passing an object to jQuery's function html. According to jQuery's doc (, the html function can receive 3 types of parameters:

    • null, returns content of node.
    • content (string), sets content of node.
    • function, uses a function to set the content of the node.

    jsDiv is an object. I think you would need to pass its content, something like this:

    JSCValue* jsVar = jsc_context_evaluate(jsCtx, "$('some-div')");
    JSCValue* jsDiv = jsc_context_evaluate(jsCtx, "$('some-other-div')");
    JSCValue* content = jsc_value_object_invoke_method(jsDiv, "html", G_TYPE_NONE);
    char* contentString = jsc_value_to_string(jsCtx, content);
    jsc_value_object_invoke_method(jsVar, "html", G_TYPE_OBJECT, contentString, G_TYPE_NONE);