I am developing an application in SharePoint 2010.
What now I have to resolve is the following: I have a list of news. Each one has an ID and Title.
I have one SharePoint page that knows how to display them.
I need that instead of linking each news as: http://sharepoint/news/viewnews.aspx?title=MySharePointNews01
Be as the following: http://sharepoint/news/MySharePointNews01
I think tha writing an HttpModule and doing Server.Transfer to the Viewnews.aspx will accomplish this.
Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance.
Have a look at the IIS URL Rewrite module. It will do exactly what you are looking for without having to write any code. This article explains it pretty clear:
You can download IIS URL Rewrite here: http://www.iis.net/download/urlrewrite