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Bit shifts on buffer of arbitrary bit length

I have been looking for functions doing bit shifts on a buffer of arbitrary bit length in C99. There are probably many libraries doing that but I would like to avoid adding dependencies just for that (but I would be OK to extract functions from a lib if that's possible without pulling too much code). Crucially that shall be able to work in-place and without damaging anything outside of the specified bit length.

To clarify any ambiguity, the question is how to implement the functions below:

 * shift a buffer right with bit granularity (little endian)
 * @param   dst         destination buffer, can be equal to src
 * @param   src         source buffer
 * @param   size        length in bits of src/dst
 * @param   shift       shift amount in bits
 * @param   fill        fill value (boolean) for the MSBs
 * shift is allowed to be larger than size, it behaves like they are equal
void bufshrbits(void* dst,const void* src,size_t size, size_t shift, bool fill);

 * shift a buffer left with bit granularity (little endian)
 * @param   dst         destination buffer, can be equal to src
 * @param   src         source buffer
 * @param   size        length in bits of src/dst
 * @param   shift       shift amount in bits
 * @param   fill        fill value (boolean) for the LSBs
 * shift is allowed to be larger than size, it behaves like they are equal
void bufshlbits(void* dst,const void* src,size_t size, size_t shift, bool fill);

The SO question Bitwise shifting array of char's has an incorrect title, it is actually asking for rotate.


  • I came up with the following, it is tested here: It shall work on any CPU as it is using only byte accesses (not tested on big endian platform though).

    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
     * shift a buffer left with byte granularity (little endian)
     * @param   dst         destination buffer, can be equal to src
     * @param   src         source buffer
     * @param   byte_size   length in bytes of src/dst
     * @param   byte_shift  shift amount in bytes
     * @param   fill8       fill value for the LSBs
     * byte_shift is allowed to be larger than byte_size, it behaves like they are equal
    static void bufshl(void*const dst,const void*const src,size_t byte_size, size_t byte_shift, uint8_t fill8){
        if(0==byte_size) return;
        if(byte_shift>byte_size) byte_shift=byte_size;
        uint8_t*const dst8=(uint8_t*)dst;
        const uint8_t*const src8=(const uint8_t*const)src;
        for(size_t i=byte_size-1;i!=byte_shift-1;i--){dst8[i] = src8[i-byte_shift];}
        for(size_t i=0;i<byte_shift;i++){dst8[i] = fill8;}
     * shift a buffer left with bit granularity (little endian)
     * @param   dst         destination buffer, can be equal to src
     * @param   src         source buffer
     * @param   size        length in bits of src/dst
     * @param   shift       shift amount in bits
     * @param   fill        fill value for the LSBs
     * shift is allowed to be larger than size, it behaves like they are equal
    static void bufshlbits(void*const dst,const void*const src,size_t size, size_t shift, bool fill){
        if(0==size) return;
        const uint8_t fill8 = fill ? 0xFF : 0x00;
        if(shift>size) shift=size;
        uint8_t*const dst8=(uint8_t*)dst;
        const uint8_t*const src8=(const uint8_t*const)src;
        const size_t byte_size = (size+7)/8;
        const unsigned int byte_shift=shift%8;
        const unsigned int cshift = (8-byte_shift)%8;
        const uint8_t last = src8[byte_size-1];
        const size_t lsb = shift/8;
        } else {
            uint8_t carry=src8[byte_size-1-lsb];
            for(size_t i=byte_size-1;i!=lsb-1;i--){
                const size_t sidx = i-1-lsb;
                const uint8_t s = sidx>byte_size ?  fill8 : src8[sidx];
                const uint8_t d = (carry<<byte_shift)|(s >> cshift);
                carry = src8[sidx];
                dst8[i] = d;
        for(size_t i=0;i<lsb;i++){dst8[i]=fill8;}
            const uint8_t last_mask = 0xFF<<(size % 8);
            dst8[byte_size-1] &= ~last_mask;
            dst8[byte_size-1] |= last & last_mask;
     * shift a buffer right with byte granularity (little endian)
     * @param   dst         destination buffer, can be equal to src
     * @param   src         source buffer
     * @param   byte_size   length in bytes of src/dst
     * @param   byte_shift  shift amount in bytes
     * @param   fill8       fill value for the MSBs
     * byte_shift is allowed to be larger than byte_size, it behaves like they are equal
    static void bufshr(void*const dst,const void*const src,size_t byte_size, size_t byte_shift, uint8_t fill8){
        if(0==byte_size) return;
        if(byte_shift>byte_size) byte_shift=byte_size;
        uint8_t*const dst8=(uint8_t*)dst;
        const uint8_t*const src8=(const uint8_t*const)src;
        const size_t last=byte_size-byte_shift;
        for(size_t i=0;i!=last;i++){dst8[i] = src8[i+byte_shift];}
        for(size_t i=last;i<byte_shift;i++){dst8[i] = fill8;}
     * shift a buffer right with bit granularity (little endian)
     * @param   dst         destination buffer, can be equal to src
     * @param   src         source buffer
     * @param   size        length in bits of src/dst
     * @param   shift       shift amount in bits
     * @param   fill        fill value for the MSBs
     * shift is allowed to be larger than size, it behaves like they are equal
    static void bufshrbits(void*const dst,const void*const src,size_t size, size_t shift, bool fill){
        if(0==size) return;
        const uint8_t fill8 = fill ? 0xFF : 0x00;
        if(shift>size) shift=size;
        uint8_t*const dst8=(uint8_t*)dst;
        const uint8_t*const src8=(const uint8_t*const)src;
        const size_t byte_size = (size+7)/8;
        const unsigned int bshift=shift%8;
        const unsigned int cshift = bshift ? (8-bshift)%8 : 8;
        const uint8_t last = src8[byte_size-1];
        const size_t lsb = shift/8;
        if((0==(shift%8)) && (0==(size%8))) {
        } else {
            const uint8_t last_mask = size%8 ? 0xFF<<(size % 8) : 0;
            uint8_t carry = lsb+1 >=byte_size ? fill8 : src8[lsb+1];
            if(lsb+1 == byte_size-1) {
                carry &= ~last_mask;
                carry |= last_mask & fill8;
                for(size_t i=0;i<byte_size-lsb-1;i++){
                    const size_t sidx = i+lsb;
                    uint8_t s;
                        s=(src8[sidx] & ~last_mask) | (last_mask & fill8);
                    const uint8_t d = (carry<<cshift)|(s >> bshift);
                    carry = sidx+2 >=byte_size? fill8 : src8[sidx+2];
                    if(sidx+2 == byte_size-1) {
                        carry &= ~last_mask;
                        carry |= last_mask & fill8;
                    dst8[i] = d;
            const size_t sidx = byte_size-lsb-1+lsb;
            carry &= ~last_mask;
            carry |= last_mask & fill8;
            uint8_t s;
                s=(src8[sidx] & ~last_mask) | (last_mask & fill8);
            const uint8_t d = (carry<<cshift)|(s >> bshift);
            dst8[byte_size-lsb-1] = d;
        for(size_t i=byte_size-lsb;i<byte_size;i++){dst8[i]=fill8;}
            const uint8_t last_mask = 0xFF<<(size % 8);
            dst8[byte_size-1] &= ~last_mask;
            dst8[byte_size-1] |= last & last_mask;