I am building an app.I have kept my reference resolution game view setting as (800 x 1200) .Settings for canvas shown below
When I check the it Iphone6(750 x 1334) resolution I can see the contents but certain components are cropped with respect to width.The Game view is shown below. I use panels,vertical layout group,horizontal layout group many UI components in my application.
Now I changed my Game view resolution to ipad pro(2224 x 1668).Now I cannot see my images.The Game view is shown below
I dont know how to adjust the UI elements according to different screen sizes.Some of the answers I observed was I should keep settings as Scale with screen size,match width or height and Match slider to 0.5. I have kept these settings(see first image).Still it is not changing according to different screen sizes.
I tried Aspect ratio fitter inside the parent element(Showdata) but of no use.What should I do to change screen according to different screen sizes?Is it because I am not anchoring UI elements in a proper way? How will you anchor something like this(Canvas>Panel(Stretched along XY)>Panel(with Vertical layout)>Many UI elements)
I have seen many tutorials on how to use anchor for images and buttons but how to use for nested elements or when we use vertical or horizontal layout and it contains many UI elements.
Here is an abbreviated list of tips, from most to least urgent:
components corresponding to a full screen, set its anchors to (0, 0)
, (1, 1
), i.e., fill the parent. Play with the Top
, Right
, etc. properties. But it seems like you already know that.LayoutElement
and should generally be of fixed size in the non-scrolling axis, i.e., do not use ContentSizeFitter
on rows for now, get it to work for a fixed height. This is almost always the correct behavior on mobile devices anyhow.LayoutElement
's Ignore Layout flag.OnRectTransformDimensionsChanged()
. Nothing else, don't check for changes in Screen
! You should familiarize yourself with the EventSystem
to correctly toggle between hand-tuned layouts for these aspect ratios. There are 4 in iOS.Here is an example of a platform canvas scaler:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.iOS;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace StackOverflow
public sealed class PlatformCanvasScaler : UIBehaviour
public static PlatformCanvasScaler instance { get; private set; }
public float scaleFactor
if (m_CanvasScaler != null)
return m_CanvasScaler.scaleFactor;
return 1.0f;
[SerializeField] private CanvasScaler m_CanvasScaler;
[SerializeField] private float m_PhoneScaleFactor = 1.15f;
private PlatformCanvasScaler()
instance = this;
protected override void Awake()
if (!enabled)
private void Refresh()
var scaleFactor = 1f;
var isMobile = PlatformCanvasScaler.isMobile;
if (isMobile)
switch (Device.generation)
case DeviceGeneration.iPhoneX:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhoneXSMax:
case DeviceGeneration.Unknown:
case DeviceGeneration.iPadUnknown:
case DeviceGeneration.iPodTouchUnknown:
scaleFactor = 3f;
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone5:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhoneSE1Gen:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone5C:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone5S:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone6:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone6S:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone7:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone8:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhoneXR:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhoneUnknown:
scaleFactor = 2f;
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone6Plus:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone7Plus:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone8Plus:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone6SPlus:
scaleFactor = 3f / 1.15f;
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone3G:
case DeviceGeneration.iPhone3GS:
case DeviceGeneration.iPad1Gen:
case DeviceGeneration.iPad2Gen:
case DeviceGeneration.iPad3Gen:
scaleFactor = 1f;
scaleFactor = 2f;
scaleFactor *= m_PhoneScaleFactor;
scaleFactor = 2f * Screen.dpi / 326f;
if (Screen.dpi > 140)
scaleFactor = 2.0f;
scaleFactor = 1.0f;
m_CanvasScaler.scaleFactor = scaleFactor;
public static bool isMobile
var isPhone = false;
isPhone = true;
var isMobile = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer ||
(Application.isEditor && isPhone);
return isMobile;
private void OnValidate()
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
Observe I make some decisions about what is considered a HiDPI device.
Unfortunately, my favorite UI asset for screen management, MaterialUI
, is deprecated. Hopefully someone can comment on their experience with others.