I want to pass the result of a cypher query to MVC's view using model. The obtained result is in form of nodes which I get in var result
Now I want to pass this result to a view as model, so that I can print the obtained result in a razor view.
My model class is as:
public class Item {
public int id {get; set;}
public string name {get; set;}
public string type {get; set;}
And my controller method is as:
public ActionResult Index()
using(var driver = GraphDatabase.Driver("bolt://localhost:7687","neo4j", "12345")
using(var session = driver.Session())
using(var tx = session.ReadTransaction())
var result = tx.Run("MATCH (m:Item) RETURN m")
return View();
Finally I solved my problem. Thanks to @Chris Skardon. Below is the code that solved my problem.
public ActionResult Index()
// Using Neo4j.Driver
List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
using (var session = _driver.Session())
var results = session.ReadTransaction(tx => tx.Run("MATCH (a:Item) RETURN (a)"));
foreach(IRecord result in results)
var Node = result["a"].As<INode>();
var Id = node.Properties["ID"]?.As<long>();
var Name = node.Properties["Name"]?.As<string>();
var Type = node.Properties["Type"]?.As<string>();
items.Add(new Item { id = Id, name = Name, type = Type });
return View(items.ToList());