Src object has a property:
private List<Pojo> goals;
Dest object has a property
private String goal;
I want to map Src.goals.get(0).getName() -> Dest.goal. goals will always contain one item, but it has to be pulled in as a list because its coming from Neo4j.
I tried doing:
userTypeMap.addMappings(mapper -> { -> src.getGoals().get(0).getName(), UserDto::setGoal);
But modelmapper didn't like the parameter. Then I tried:
userTypeMap.addMappings(mapper -> { -> src.getGoals(), UserDto::setGoal);
And that gave me:
"goal": "[]",
I then tried to add a converter for List -> String, but that didn't get called. If I add a converter for the entire pojo to dto then I have to map the whole pojo which I don't want to do, I just want to override this one property.
You can wrap the List
access in a Converter
and use this in a PropertyMap
like follows:
ModelMapper mm = new ModelMapper();
Converter<List<Pojo>, String> goalsToName =
ctx -> ctx.getSource() == null ? null : ctx.getSource().get(0).getName();
PropertyMap<Src, Dest> propertyMap = new PropertyMap<>() {
protected void configure() {