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Getting tracking information for a Git branch

How can I get tracking information (i.e. remote and branch name) about a specific local Git branch, preferably in one command? There seem to be many ways to do this, e.g.

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name branch_name@{upstream}

However, it returns the upstream in the form 'origin/branch_name', which makes it difficult to figure out the separate parts (e.g. when remote or branch name contains '/'). Is there more reliable solution, preferably using a single Git command?


  • @RomainValeri in the answer suggested this command to display the tracking information.

    git for-each-ref --format="%(upstream:short)" refs/heads/<yourBranch>

    However, if you want to get rid of the slash then you can do this

    git for-each-ref --format="%(upstream:remotename) %(upstream:lstrip=-1)"  \ 
    # Insert your separator here                     ^

    From git-docs,


    The name of a local ref which can be considered “upstream” from the displayed ref. Respects :short, :lstrip and :rstrip in the same way as refname above ...

    For any remote-tracking branch %(upstream), %(upstream:remotename) and %(upstream:remoteref) refer to the name of the remote and the name of the tracked remote ref, respectively. In other words, the remote-tracking branch can be updated explicitly and individually by using the refspec %(upstream:remoteref):%(upstream) to fetch from %(upstream:remotename).

    More on lstrip,

    If lstrip= < N > (rstrip= < N >) is appended, strips < N > slash-separated path components from the front (back) of the refname (e.g. %(refname:lstrip=2) turns refs/tags/foo into foo and %(refname:rstrip=2) turns refs/tags/foo into refs). If < N > is a negative number, strip as many path components as necessary from the specified end to leave -< N > path components (e.g. %(refname:lstrip=-2) turns refs/tags/foo into tags/foo and %(refname:rstrip=-1) turns refs/tags/foo into refs). When the ref does not have enough components, the result becomes an empty string if stripping with positive < N >, or it becomes the full refname if stripping with negative < N >. Neither is an error.

    Some examples :

    • Format : "%(upstream:remotename):%(upstream:lstrip=-1)"

      Output : <remote-name>:<branch-name>

    • Format : "%(upstream:remotename) %(upstream:lstrip=-1)"

      Output : <remote-name> <branch-name>

    If the branch name includes a slash, then lstrip won't work. Instead remoteref can be used.

    git for-each-ref --format="%(upstream:remotename) %(upstream:remoteref)" refs/heads/<yourBranch>

    The output is in this format : <remote-name> refs/heads/<branch-name>

    To remove refs/heads/ from the output, pipe the above command to this

    sed 's/refs\/heads\///g'