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Can we detect "trivial relocatability" in C++17?

In future standards of C++, we will have the concept of "trivial relocatability", which means we can simply copy bytes from one object to an uninitialized chunk of memory, and simply ignore/zero out the bytes of the original object. this way, we imitate the C-style way of copying/moving objects around.

In future standards, we will probably have something like std::is_trivially_relocatable<type> as a type trait. currently, the closest thing we have is std::is_pod<type> which will be deprecated in C++20.

My question is, do we have a way in the current standard (C++17) to figure out if the object is trivially relocatable? For example, std::unique_ptr<type> can be moved around by copying its bytes to a new memory address and zeroing out the original bytes, but std::is_pod_v<std::unique_ptr<int>> is false.

Also, currently the standard mandate that every uninitialized chunk of memory must pass through a constructor in order to be considered a valid C++ object. even if we can somehow figure out if the object is trivially relocatable, if we just move the bytes - it's still UB according to the standard. So another question is - even if we can detect trivial relocatability, how can we implement trivial relocation without causing UB? simply calling memcpy + memset(src,0,...) and casting the memory address to the right type is UB. `



  • The point of trivial-relocatability is to enable byte-wise moving of objects even in the presence of a non-trivial move constructor or move assignment operator.

    Edit: removed incorrect statement about P1144.

    It is, of course, possible that you define your own is_trivially_relocatable trait that defaults to std::is_trivially_copyable_v and have the user specialize for types that should specifically be considered trivially-relocatable. Even this is problematic, however, because there's gonna be no way to automatically propagate this property to types that are composed of trivially-relocatable types…

    Even for trivially-copyable types, you can't just copy the bytes of the object representation to some random memory location and cast the address to a pointer to the type of the original object. Since an object was never created, that pointer will not point to an object. And attempting to access the object that pointer doesn't point to will result in undefined behavior. Trivial-copyabibility means you can copy the bytes of the object representation from one existing object to another existing object and rely on that making the value of the one object equal to the value of the other [basic.types]/3.

    To do this for trivially-relocating some object would mean that you have to first construct an object of the given type at your target location, then copy the bytes of the original object into that, and then modify the original object in a way equivalent to what would have happened if you had moved from that object. Which is essentially a complicated way of just moving the object…

    There's a reason a proposal to add the concept of trivial-relocatability to the language exists: because you currently just can't do it from within the langugage itself…

    Note that, despite all this, just because the compiler frontend cannot avoid generating constructor calls doesn't mean the optimizer cannot eliminate unnecessary loads and stores. Let's have a look at what code the compiler generates for your example of moving a std::vector or std::unique_ptr:

    auto test1(void* dest, std::vector<int>& src)
        return new (dest) std::vector<int>(std::move(src));
    auto test2(void* dest, std::unique_ptr<int>& src)
        return new (dest) std::unique_ptr<int>(std::move(src));

    As you can see, just doing an actual move often already boils down to just copying and overwriting some bytes, even for non-trivial types…