In my app there are generic and brand specific components. Let's say I have 2 brand specific components Product_brand_A.vue
and Product_brand_B.vue
, which I would like to display in a list. The parent component ProductList.vue
is generic (used for both brands).
What are my options in ProductList.vue
to specify which child component to use?
// ProductList.vue (generic)
import Product from 'Product.vue' // importing won't do
var ProductList = {
components: {
I don't want to import both child components and decide at run time, it should be a build time solution.
I think that it's better to use slots api here. Here's example of usage of the list component:
<ProductList :items="someProductsBrandA">
<template v-slot:item="props">
<Product_brand_A product="props.product">
This way you can add as much different product components as you want in the future. You can check the slot API here: