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Why is the CLASSPATH failing for Python but working for RazorSQL?

On Windows Server 2016, we are trying to connect over JDBC with a Jython script but it is giving following error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

RazorSQL, on the same machine, connects without error using these settings:

Driver Class: 
Driver Location: \Program Files (x86)\RazorSQL\drivers\sqlserver\sqljdbc.jar

As a result, we set the CLASSPATH to same location with this command:

set CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\RazorSQL\drivers\sqlserver\sqljdbc.jar

...but when running the code below - we still get the same ClassNotFound error.

This is our Python code:

jclassname = "" 
database = "our_database_name"
db_elem = ";databaseName={}".format(database) if database else ""
host = "###.##.###.###" # ip address
port = "1433"
user = "user_name"
password = "password"

url = (
host=host, port=port, db_elem=db_elem,
  er=user, password=password)
print url
driver_args = [url]
jars = None
libs = None
db = jaydebeapi.connect(jclassname, driver_args, jars=jars,

This is how we are running our Python script:

C:\jython2.7.0\bin\jython.exe C:\

How is that RazorSQL is connecting fine - but somehow Python cannot? How do we remove this CLASSPATH error?


  • You have to load the JARs at runtime using the system Classloader.

    Please refer to this answer.

    The following code snippet has been taken from this Gist.

    def loadJar(jarFile):
        '''load a jar at runtime using the system Classloader (needed for JDBC)
        adapted from
        Author: Steve (SG) Langer Jan 2007 translated the above Java to Jython
        Author: simplified and updated for jython-2.5.3b3+
        >>> loadJar('jtds-1.3.1.jar')
        >>> from java import lang, sql
        >>> lang.Class.forName('net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver')
        <type 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver'>
        >>> sql.DriverManager.getDriver('jdbc:jtds://server')
        jTDS 1.3.1
        from java import io, net, lang
        u = io.File(jarFile).toURL() if type(jarFile) <> net.URL else jarFile
        m = net.URLClassLoader.getDeclaredMethod('addURL', [net.URL])
        m.accessible = 1
        m.invoke(lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), [u])
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import doctest

    Also look at -