Is it possible to view the machine code (x86 instructions) that a browser ultimately generates from my JavaScript? E.g.
--- Raw source ---
function add(a, b){
return a + b;
--- Code ---
source_position = 0
Instructions (size = 456)
0x36953100 0 8b4c2404 mov ecx,[esp+0x4]
0x36953104 4 81f991806049 cmp ecx,0x49608091 ;; object: 0x49608091 <undefined>
0x3695310a 10 750a jnz 22 (0x36953116)
0x3695310c 12 8b4e13 mov ecx,[esi+0x13]
0x3695310f 15 8b4917 mov ecx,[ecx+0x17]
0x36953112 18 894c2404 mov [esp+0x4],ecx
0x36953116 22 55 push ebp
Your script isn't transformed to machine code directly. Chrome and Node.js run JavaScript on a virtual machine called V8 and you can get the VM bytecode using:
node --print-bytecode script.js
Then V8 executes and optimizes the bytecode and calls external C libraries and OS API (system calls) or Web API. Final machine code may vary even with the same JavaScript code (for example before and after optimization).
You can also start Chrome from the command line with
As @PeterCordes noticed Node.js allows seeing the Turbofan generated machine code using
node --print-opt-code script.js
Also you can use an HTML visualizer like