My code looks like this it's aiming to observe a modal content when it's open
const data = {
modal: false,
button: null
const updateData = () => {
const {modal, button} = data
if (document.querySelector('.modal')) {
modal = true
button = document.querySelector('.modalButton')
I get the following error when I call updateData()
Uncaught ReferenceError: modal is not defined"
It works as intended when it's written like this:
const updateData = () => {
if (document.querySelector('.modal')) {
data.modal = true
data.button = document.querySelector('.modalButton')
I can't understand why destructured data isn't accessible in the if statement.
I'm still not 100% sure what you're trying to do, because you set the variables modal and button by destructuring them, and then you don't use those variables...
You can do something like this:
const data = {
modal: false,
button: null
const updateData = () => {
const {modal, button} = data
if (true) {
return {
modal, button
You cannot update properties of objects AFTER destructuring, by using the destructured variables, if that's what you're trying to do.
If you want to update data.modal
, you'll have to do data.modal = 'xx'