Basically, I'm interested whether it's intended that the only models Swagger shows in swagger-ui are models used in RestController methods. It detects both my DTOs that I filled with @RequestBody, but it does not detect the User model, even with the ApiModel annotation. How to I go around this without making a dummy controller method?
For example:
public String login(
@ApiParam(value = "The login credentials DTO (username and password)", required = true)
@Valid LoginCredentialsDTO loginCredentialsDTO) {
return userService.login(loginCredentialsDTO);
It detects the Model "LoginCredentialsDTO" because it was used here in the controller method.
Since I only use DTOs in my controller, it's not detecting my main model (User). I don't want to have to make a dummy method just for Swagger to be able to detect all my models.
Swagger describes the external interface of your api. When your User model is not used externally is will not be visible. See also