i already managed to create a function which returns every number's digit(0-8) by 1.
example : input : 3 output: 4
input : 345 output: 456
But i have a problem finding a solution for digit number 9 which need to return 0 .
example: input : 9 output: 0
input : 945 output: 56
input : 99 output: 0
input : 19 output: 20
NOTE: Do not specifically check if the digit is 9
my code:
int new_num(int num){
int dig = num%10;
num = num/10;
if( num==0 ){
return dig+1;
int res = new_num(num);
dig +=1;
res *=10;
res +=dig;
return res;
Here you are.
#include <stdio.h>
int new_num( int n )
const int Base = 10;
return ( n % Base + 1 ) % Base +
( n / Base == 0 ? 0
: Base * new_num( n / Base ) );
int main(void)
printf( "%d -> %d\n", 99, new_num( 99 ) );
printf( "%d -> %d\n", 945, new_num( 945 ) );
printf( "%d -> %d\n", 19, new_num( 19 ) );
printf( "%d -> %d\n", 123456789, new_num( 123456789 ) );
return 0;
The program output is
99 -> 0
945 -> 56
19 -> 20
123456789 -> 234567890