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Applying a function to all template parameters

I'm trying to make a function that finds an element by id and deletes it from static vectors in some types.

template<typename First>
void RemoveComponentByID(EntityID ID)
    auto element = binary_find(First::Array.begin(), First::Array.end(), ID);

template<typename First, typename... Rest>
void RemoveComponentByID(EntityID ID)
    auto element = binary_find(First::Array.begin(), First::Array.end(), ID);

But when I call the function RemoveComponentByID<Vector3s,Textures>(id); The error " 'RemoveComponentByID' : ambiguous function call to overloaded function" pops up. Why is that?


  • For overload resolution, there is a tie breaker between

    • template <typename T> void foo(T);
    • template <typename T, typename ...Ts> void foo(T, Ts...);

    in favour to the non variadic, but it is not the cas when those template are not part of function argument as you.

    So, neither of

    • template <typename T> void bar();
    • template <typename T, typename ...Ts> void bar();

    is more specialized, thus the ambiguous call for bar<SomeType>().

    You might do (C++17):

    template<typename First, typename... Rest>
    void RemoveComponentByID(EntityID ID)
        auto element = binary_find(First::Array.begin(), First::Array.end(), ID);
        if constexpr (sizeof...(Rest) > 0) {

    or, without recursion:

    template<typename T>
    void RemoveComponentByIDImpl(EntityID ID)
        auto element = binary_find(T::Array.begin(), T::Array.end(), ID);
    template<typename... Ts>
    void RemoveComponentByID(EntityID ID)
        (RemoveComponentByIDImpl<Ts>(ID), ...);