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How to get 3 latest videos from youtube channel?

I know there are too many similar question like in my title, but I have problem that prevents me to make it works.

I tested with three accounts and all of them in one day exceeded "request quota". I can't even understand that how it was happen?

I'm using this code to get 3 latest videos from youtube channel:

$videoList = json_decode(file_get_contents(''.$channelID.'&maxResults='.$maxResults.'&key='.$API_key.''));  

foreach($videoList->items as $item){
          //Embed video
              echo '<div class="video">
                        <iframe width="100%" class="youtube-video" src="'.$item->id->videoId.'"  frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Script works for some hour and after that result of code disappears and I get message that tell me I reached quota.

I created 3 new accounts, created only Youtube API v3 service for a project, but I can't even use it at all!

How to make this Youtube API V3 to work without any troubles to keep the script running?


  • seems easy to parse it from the html video list, the xpath //li/ul/li[contains(@class,'channels-content-item')] gets you the list of videos, with a video li context node, the xpath .//*[contains(@class,'yt-lockup-title')]/a gets you the title and .//*[@data-context-item-id] gets you the node holding the id in the "data-context-item-id" attribute, putting it all together we get:

    // $html = file_get_contents("html.html");
    $html = file_get_contents("");
    $domd = @DOMDocument::loadHTML($html);
    $xp = new DOMXPath($domd);
    $videoList = $xp->query("//li/ul/li[contains(@class,'channels-content-item')]");
    $parsed = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
        $video = $videoList[$i];
        $title = trim($xp->query(".//*[contains(@class,'yt-lockup-title')]/a", $video)->item(0)->textContent);
        $id = $xp->query(".//*[@data-context-item-id]", $video)->item(0)->getAttribute("data-context-item-id");
        $parsed[$id] = $title;

    which outputs:

    array(3) {
      string(44) "I haven't Played this Game in a LONG Time..."
      string(37) "Something is happening in two days..."
      string(14) "Dear Algorithm"

    gotdammit im bored.