I have run into a issue lately.
I have a javascript class written in ES6.
There should be a static object. This object should also be available for class methods without defining it twice.
I tried to set the class member (property) to the static member in the constructor, but it throws an error:
Is there any way?
//Benötigt Bibliotheken: W3.css, W3.js
'use strict';
class Status {
constructor(type, headerText, message){
this.type = type;
statusHeader.innerHTML = headerText;
statusText.innerHTML = message;
this.types = Status.types; //set the instance member to the static member.
setStyle() {
//Alle Farbklassen entfernen.
w3.removeClass('#' + status.id, Object.values(this.colors).join(" ") );
//Farbklasse setzen.
w3.addClass( '#' + status.id, this.color );
show() {
w3.show('#' + status.id);
w3.hide('#' + status.id);
setColor() {
case this.types.info:
this.color = this.colors.blue;
case this.types.success:
this.color = this.colors.green;
case this.types.warning:
this._color = this.colors.yellow;
case this.types.error:
this._color = this.colors.red;
static colors(){
return {
'blue': 'w3-light-blue',
'green': 'w3-light-green',
'yellow': 'w3-light-yellow',
'red': 'w3-light-red'
static types(){
return {
'info': info,
'success': success,
'warning': warning,
'error': error
/* get colors(){ return this.colors; }
get types(){ return this.types; } */
//Test class
alert(Status.types.info); //Alert: 'undefined'
alert(new Status('info', 'Header', 'Message').types.info); //Error: Status.js:19 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
There doesn't seem to be any need for types
to be a function. This works:
class Status {
constructor() {
this.types = Status.types;
static types = {
'info': 'info',
const foo = new Status();