I am newbie with ElasticStack and want to get the value of system parameters like Cpu/Memory/diskio etc from Metricbeat in my .NET core project.
I want to create a page similar to kibana dashboard. Therefore, I need to fetch them through query/API from metricbeat file.
I have write the following code
ConnectionSettings connectionSettings;
ElasticClient elasticClient;
StaticConnectionPool connectionPool;
var nodes = new Uri[]
new Uri(_options.Value.ElasticSearchUrl),
connectionPool = new StaticConnectionPool(nodes);
string indexName = "metricbeat*";
connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool).DefaultIndex(indexName);
elasticClient = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
var elasticResponse = await elasticClient.SearchAsync<object>(s => s.Size(1).
Query(q => q.Bool(b => b.Must(m => m.Range(r => r.Field("system.memory.actual.used.pct").GreaterThan(0).LessThan(1))))));
But the elasticResponse give me full hit details as below
"took" : 35,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 15,
"successful" : 15,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : {
"value" : 10000,
"relation" : "gte"
"max_score" : null,
"hits" : [
"_index" : "metricbeat-7.4.2-2019.12.18",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "hIK-GG8BkfAhjYcrdBP2",
"_score" : null,
"_source" : {
"@timestamp" : "2019-12-18T11:22:11.595Z",
"host" : {
"name" : "a8a441269011"
"agent" : {
"id" : "7e4f3202-461e-4f8d-8144-d2db5556ca1b",
"version" : "7.4.2",
"type" : "metricbeat",
"ephemeral_id" : "348fb071-e058-411c-b781-8dd2ec445286",
"hostname" : "a8a441269011"
"event" : {
"dataset" : "system.memory",
"module" : "system",
"duration" : 389771
"metricset" : {
"name" : "memory",
"period" : 5000
"service" : {
"type" : "system"
"system" : {
"memory" : {
"total" : 33731682304,
"used" : {
"pct" : 0.762,
"bytes" : 25702785024
"free" : 8028897280,
"actual" : {
"free" : 23516848128,
"used" : {
"pct" : 0.3028,
"bytes" : 10214834176
"swap" : {
"total" : 1023406080,
"used" : {
"pct" : 0.0064,
"bytes" : 6553600
"free" : 1016852480
"hugepages" : {
"free" : 0,
"reserved" : 0,
"surplus" : 0,
"default_size" : 2097152,
"total" : 0,
"used" : {
"bytes" : 0,
"pct" : 0
"ecs" : {
"version" : "1.1.0"
"sort" : [
But I want just
"actual" : {
"free" : 23516848128,
"used" : {
"pct" : 0.3028,
"bytes" : 10214834176
Please help.
var elasticResponse = elasticClient.Search<object>(s => s
.DocValueFields(dvf => dvf.Fields("system.memory.*", "system.cpu.*"))
You can use source filtering to tell elasticsearch in which fields you are interested in. With NEST your search request will look like
var elasticResponse = await client.SearchAsync<object>(s => s
.Source(sf => sf.Includes(i => i.Fields("system.memory.actual.*")))
.Query(q => q.Bool(b => b.Must(m =>
m.Range(r => r.Field("system.memory.actual.used.pct").GreaterThan(0).LessThan(1))))));
In your case, you can also use docvalue_fields to return a list of fields in a flat structure fashion.
var elasticResponse = await client.SearchAsync<object>(s => s
.Query(q => q.Bool(b => b.Must(m =>
m.Range(r => r.Field("system.memory.actual.used.pct").GreaterThan(0).LessThan(1))))));
foreach (var fields in elasticResponse.Fields)
foreach (var value in fields)
Console.WriteLine($"{value.Key}: {fields.Value<object>(value.Key)}");
system.memory.actual.free: 23516848128
system.memory.actual.used.bytes: 10214834176
system.memory.actual.used.pct: 0.302799999713898
Hope that helps.