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Do I have to load the scorm package in the frontend or have to unpack it in the backend and serve assets individually?

I am having a hard time understanding the final piece of the puzzle in implementing the SCORM playback and hosting(term hosting is similar to how static files are hosted to S3) in the e-learning platform that I am currently working on. So my problem is I do not know how I should interact with the SCORM package. From my understading, I need to host it in S3 then the client will load the SCORM package from S3 then read the imsmanifest to read the sequence of assets in the folders of the SCORM package. Also, I will need to provide the SCORM runtime environment for our lms.

So is loading the whole SCORM package in the frontend right or I will have to unpack the contents of it and have it load on every request of the client e.g. moving through the sequences of assets of the SCO


  • So I was able to consult to a SCORM expert about this and the basic architecture that I am going for is, storing the SCORM package to a static file server e.g. S3 then it will serve as the delivery service for our LMS. Then for the client side, I will just the frontend to the bucket that contains the imsmanifest of the SCORM package and have the SCO loaded into the browser.