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It might be a dumb question but want to get it clarified. Can we say 'super' as an object rather than keyword in java?

I know super is a special reserved keyword but from the way how we use it , it should be called as object. Can some one clarify whether my thought is right or wrong. Would be better if you can provide more detailed clarification on this.


  • That would not be correct. Super is a keyword in java used to reference the superclass of the instance of a class. Object is an instance of a class.

    You cannot use the word "super" unless an instance of a class exist, therefore, it cannot be considered equivalent to an object.

    Think of a hypothetical class Human. You can ask me "what's your superclass" and I would say "it's Creature". But you cannot "create" a new Human by asking "what's your superclass".

    Maybe your confusion comes from the usage of the word "super" in the constructor. When we make the super(); call, we're actually executing the superclass's constructor. As you know, constructors are very particular methods and they are not invoked the same way another method would have been. If I was to refer to a getter of the superclass, I would do super.getWhatever(); instead. However, we cannot do super.something() to call a constructor, so we just do super();. And regarding the call to the superclass's constructor when constructing an instance of a class, that's because you cannot call me "Human" before defining me as a "Creature". So, you first create the creature characteristics on me and then you make me human.

    I hope that makes sense :).