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Remove boost using brew and install specific version

brew info boost
boost: stable 1.71.0 (bottled), HEAD
Collection of portable C++ source libraries
Not installed
==> Dependencies
Required: icu4c ✔
==> Options
    Install HEAD version
==> Caveats
Building of Boost.Log is disabled because it requires newer GCC or Clang.
==> Analytics
install: 31,607 (30 days), 109,724 (90 days), 590,627 (365 days)
install-on-request: 11,180 (30 days), 39,021 (90 days), 197,063 (365 days)
build-error: 0 (30 days)

brew --version
Homebrew 2.2.1
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 87d2; last commit 2019-12-16)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision cb1c4; last commit 2019-12-16)

brew uninstall boost
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/boost

brew remove boost
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/boost

brew install [email protected]

Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/cask).
No changes to formulae.

Warning: [email protected] 1.59.0 is already installed and up-to-date
To reinstall 1.59.0, run `brew reinstall [email protected]`

brew switch boost 1.59
Error: boost not found in the Cellar.

brew list | grep boost
[email protected]

Why brew info shows 1.71.0 version? Why I can't remove or uninstall boost?


  • The command brew info shows the last available version of boost which is 1.7.10. This is correct.

    When you run brew uninstall boost or brew remove boost, Homebrew tries to remove the last version (1.7.10). Homebrew doesn't succeed because this version is not installed. This is correct.

    You have installed the formula [email protected], which is a different formula from boost. You can remove it with brew remove [email protected], or obtain information on how to use it with brew info [email protected].