Can somebody clarify the C# is
keyword please. In particular these 2 questions:
Q1) line 5; Why does this return true?
Q2) line 7; Why no cast exception?
public void Test()
object intArray = new int[] { -100, -200 };
if (intArray is uint[]) //why does this return true?
uint[] uintArray = (uint[])intArray; //why no class cast exception?
for (int x = 0; x < uintArray.Length; x++)
MSDN's description does not clarify the situation. It states that is
will return true if either of these conditions are met. (>MDSN Article)
expression is not null. expression can be cast to type.
I don't believe that you can do a valid cast of int[] into uint[]. Because:
A) This code does not compile:
int[] signed = new int[] { -100 };
uint[] unsigned = (uint[])signed;
B) Doing the cast in the debugger gives an error:
"Cannot convert type 'int[]' to 'uint[]'"
Sure enough, if line 3 was int[] instead of object then it would never compile. Which brings me to a final question related to Q2.
Q3) Why does C# raise a cast/conversion error in the debugger and compiler but not at runtime?
C# and the CLR have somewhat different conversion rules.
You can't directly cast between int[]
and uint[]
in C# because the language doesn't believe any conversion is available. However, if you go via object
the result is up to the CLI. From the CLI spec section 8.7 (I hope - I'm quoting an email exchange I had on this topic with Eric Lippert a while ago):
Signed and unsigned integral primitive types can be assigned to each other; e.g., int8 := uint8 is valid. For this purpose, bool shall be considered compatible with
and vice versa, which makesbool := uint8
valid, and vice versa. This is also true for arrays of signed and unsigned integral primitive types of the same size; e.g.,int32[] := uint32[]
is valid.
(I haven't checked, but I assume that this sort of reference type conversion being valid is what makes is
return true as well.)
It's somewhat unfortunate that there are disconnects between the language and the underlying execution engine, but it's pretty much unavoidable in the long run, I suspect. There are a few other cases like this, but the good news is that they rarely seem to cause significant harm.
EDIT: As Marc deleted his answer, I've linked to the full mail from Eric, as posted to the C# newsgroup.