I added a comma when it is missing in the string and want to get rid of the comma from the end of the string and trim additional space from the new line in the end.
StringBuilder mssg = new StringBuilder();
if (hasError().size <=8){
hasError().keySet().stream().forEach(id ->{
mssg.append(id.toString() + ":");
hasError().get(id).stream.limit(8).forEach(error ->mssg.append(error.toString() + ", "))
mssg.append("\n"); // adding new line for each Id to show it's own error mssg
error output: Missing xnameMissing ynameMissing xyzMissing abcMissing ab, cd or ef,
Id: Id1
so with my code - I am adding comma separating the error output to the string so the output of mssg would be
mssg output: Id1: Missing xname, Missing yname, Missing xyz, Missing abc, Missing ab, cd, or ef,
there is multiple missing error output for 1 item
Id1:Missing xname, Missing yname, Missing xyz, Missing abc, Missing ab, cd, or ef,
Id2:Missing yname, Missing ab, cd, or ef,
Id3:Missing xyz,
new line
If you simply want to remove the last 2 characters from a StringBuilder
sb.setLength(sb.length() - 2);
To cater for the case where the original list could be empty:
sb.setLength(Math.max(0, sb.length() - 2));
But I think a better solution would be to not put the misplaced separator there in the first place; e.g. build the string like this:
stream.limit(8).map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(", "))